Though originally meant as a stand-alone anthology, the Bardic Tales and Sage Advice collection has evolved into an annual celebration of speculative fiction. Our Eighth installment of the series features the winners of our annual charity writing competition and our Reader's Choice Awards poll. This anthology includes works by Amanda K. Thompson, James Zaharis, Derek James Cottrell, Florian Heller, Teo Kos, Ash Silverlock, Anna Cates, Tyler Bourassa, Aaron Vlek, and Julia Martins.
Though originally meant as a stand-alone anthology, the Bardic Tales and Sage Advice collection has evolved into an annual celebration of speculative fiction. Our Eighth installment of the series features the winners of our annual charity writing competition and our Reader's Choice Awards poll. This anthology includes works by Amanda K. Thompson, James Zaharis, Derek James Cottrell, Florian Heller, Teo Kos, Ash Silverlock, Anna Cates, Tyler Bourassa, Aaron Vlek, and Julia Martins.