Freakshow is a collection of short stories based on the adventures of performers from Steiners Freak Show, a traveling circus side show. Steiner carefully selects his freaks so that they are genuinely blessed with real talents, none of his performers are fakes! From the lovely young Snake Charmer to the Tattooed Man whose tattoos fade away and relocate themselves on his body, every single one is the real thing! And Steiner's family of freaks run into some frightening adventures that bring them near death! This isn't some barker's come on, folks, this is the real thing. Come to the freak show and see what happens after the sideshow closes!
Freakshow is a collection of short stories based on the adventures of performers from Steiners Freak Show, a traveling circus side show. Steiner carefully selects his freaks so that they are genuinely blessed with real talents, none of his performers are fakes! From the lovely young Snake Charmer to the Tattooed Man whose tattoos fade away and relocate themselves on his body, every single one is the real thing! And Steiner's family of freaks run into some frightening adventures that bring them near death! This isn't some barker's come on, folks, this is the real thing. Come to the freak show and see what happens after the sideshow closes!