Excerpt from History of Camden and Rockport, Maine
The old town of Camden, which includes the present towns of Camden and Rockport, has a most interesting history, to pre serve which is the object of this volume. Mr. Locke's excellent Sketches of the History of Camden has long been out of print, and but a few copies are now extant. That work was published nearly half a century ago, and many important events, happen ing since its publication, would have become lost to future genera tions unless someone had undertaken the task of compiling a new history. As no one else seemed inclined to enter upon the undertaking the writer essayed the arduous and somewhat delicate work of putting into print the deeds and lives of the Camden and Rockport people from the earliest period to the present time. This work is essentially a home made production, as the author is a citizen of Camden, it was printed by the Camden Publishing Company and bound by Mr. Edwin F. Dillingham of Bangor, who is a member of an old Camden family and one of Camden's oldest and most loyal summer residents....
August 24, 2018
History of Camden and Rockport, Maine (Classic Reprint)
Excerpt from History of Camden and Rockport, Maine
The old town of Camden, which includes the present towns of Camden and Rockport, has a most interesting history, to pre serve which is the object of this volume. Mr. Locke's excellent Sketches of the History of Camden has long been out of print, and but a few copies are now extant. That work was published nearly half a century ago, and many important events, happen ing since its publication, would have become lost to future genera tions unless someone had undertaken the task of compiling a new history. As no one else seemed inclined to enter upon the undertaking the writer essayed the arduous and somewhat delicate work of putting into print the deeds and lives of the Camden and Rockport people from the earliest period to the present time. This work is essentially a home made production, as the author is a citizen of Camden, it was printed by the Camden Publishing Company and bound by Mr. Edwin F. Dillingham of Bangor, who is a member of an old Camden family and one of Camden's oldest and most loyal summer residents....