In the year 2127, years after nuclear war, Earth has become a wasted, savage land where only the most violent and cunning survive. Few cities remain and those which do are teaming with the lowest of mankind. One city lies in the heart of the Congo, a jungle which hides a giant diamond in its clutches. When a black market smuggler learns of it, a group of ragtag fortune hunters is assembled. The quest for riches beyond imagination begins, but each person in the group has their own agenda. Including one who is willing to sabotage them all in order to take the treasure and start a new life.
In the year 2127, years after nuclear war, Earth has become a wasted, savage land where only the most violent and cunning survive. Few cities remain and those which do are teaming with the lowest of mankind. One city lies in the heart of the Congo, a jungle which hides a giant diamond in its clutches. When a black market smuggler learns of it, a group of ragtag fortune hunters is assembled. The quest for riches beyond imagination begins, but each person in the group has their own agenda. Including one who is willing to sabotage them all in order to take the treasure and start a new life.