Narumi, who recently transferred to a new high school and spends most of his time alone is approached by one of his classmates, Ayaka, who forces him to join the gardening club where she is the sole member. She also introduces him to her work place, a ramen shop called Hanamaru, where he meets a strange group of people: a gigolo, a military otaku and a drop-out ex-boxer addicted to gambling, all NEETs who form the NEET Detective Team, and their leader, a young girl called Alice who lives over the ramen shop. Narumi ends up working at the shop and also becomes Alice's assistant. A new drug, "Angel Fix" is spreading over the city, and Ayaka's brother seems to be involved. One day Ayaka jumps off the school roof injuring herself and falling into a coma. This motivates Narumi to make a formal request to Alice: find out why she jumped from the roof. The team then works to find Ayaka's brother, unveil who's selling the new drug, and what connection, if any, they have with Ayaka's actions.
Narumi, who recently transferred to a new high school and spends most of his time alone is approached by one of his classmates, Ayaka, who forces him to join the gardening club where she is the sole member. She also introduces him to her work place, a ramen shop called Hanamaru, where he meets a strange group of people: a gigolo, a military otaku and a drop-out ex-boxer addicted to gambling, all NEETs who form the NEET Detective Team, and their leader, a young girl called Alice who lives over the ramen shop. Narumi ends up working at the shop and also becomes Alice's assistant. A new drug, "Angel Fix" is spreading over the city, and Ayaka's brother seems to be involved. One day Ayaka jumps off the school roof injuring herself and falling into a coma. This motivates Narumi to make a formal request to Alice: find out why she jumped from the roof. The team then works to find Ayaka's brother, unveil who's selling the new drug, and what connection, if any, they have with Ayaka's actions.