Led by the charismatic Superboy, the Legion of Super-Heroes fought galactic battles against super-powered conquerors and alien warriors. The twelfth volume in this archive series, this book reprints the classic tales of the Legionnaires as they were originally published in the mid 1970s. Featuring Superboy, Saturn Girl, Brainiac 5, Karate Kid, Cosmic Boy, and Lightning Lad, these adventures combine powerful graphic storytelling with vibrant artwork to create some of the most memorable exploits in the history of this youthful group of super-heroes and heroines.
Led by the charismatic Superboy, the Legion of Super-Heroes fought galactic battles against super-powered conquerors and alien warriors. The twelfth volume in this archive series, this book reprints the classic tales of the Legionnaires as they were originally published in the mid 1970s. Featuring Superboy, Saturn Girl, Brainiac 5, Karate Kid, Cosmic Boy, and Lightning Lad, these adventures combine powerful graphic storytelling with vibrant artwork to create some of the most memorable exploits in the history of this youthful group of super-heroes and heroines.