Created by acclaimed filmmaker Shekhar Kapur . Tara Mehta is the Devi, human host to a celestial warrior goddess, sworn to protect humanity from foes of this world and any other. But it's not easy being a hero in such turbulent times. An old enemy is back from the dead, and a new one threatens to rob Tara of her sole surviving family member. The thrilling finale of the current arc finds both goddess and human facing a trial by fire, and it's very possible neither of them will walk away alive!
Created by acclaimed filmmaker Shekhar Kapur . Tara Mehta is the Devi, human host to a celestial warrior goddess, sworn to protect humanity from foes of this world and any other. But it's not easy being a hero in such turbulent times. An old enemy is back from the dead, and a new one threatens to rob Tara of her sole surviving family member. The thrilling finale of the current arc finds both goddess and human facing a trial by fire, and it's very possible neither of them will walk away alive!