The goal of speculative fiction has always been to examine the real world through the lens of the imaginary. By considering what could be, we gain a better understanding of what is.
The Colored Lens strives to do exactly that. By publishing short stories and serialized novellas every quarter in genres ranging from fantasy, to science fiction, to slipstream or magical realism, we hope to help our readers see the world just a bit differently than before they came to us.
Featuring works by Zane Mankowski, Robert Del Mauro, Lindsey Duncan, Chris Dean, Stephanie Lane Gage, Griffin Ayaz Tyree, Amanda Hund, Matthew Harrison, Charlotte H. Lee, Stephen Taylor, George Lockett, and David Misialowski.
The goal of speculative fiction has always been to examine the real world through the lens of the imaginary. By considering what could be, we gain a better understanding of what is.
The Colored Lens strives to do exactly that. By publishing short stories and serialized novellas every quarter in genres ranging from fantasy, to science fiction, to slipstream or magical realism, we hope to help our readers see the world just a bit differently than before they came to us.
Featuring works by Zane Mankowski, Robert Del Mauro, Lindsey Duncan, Chris Dean, Stephanie Lane Gage, Griffin Ayaz Tyree, Amanda Hund, Matthew Harrison, Charlotte H. Lee, Stephen Taylor, George Lockett, and David Misialowski.