They called me a traitor, a bitch and a whore. He called me his. I want none of it.
Now it's so much worse. I've been kidnapped by a sexy, bearded biker harboring a whole lot of dark secrets. I can't leave because I'm being stalked by a serial killer and the safest place is in Bossman's bed.
Elise is all I've ever wanted. She got away from me once, I won't let her go again. With the threat of a madman ever present, I can't keep her close and keep her protected.
They called me a traitor, a bitch and a whore. He called me his. I want none of it.
Now it's so much worse. I've been kidnapped by a sexy, bearded biker harboring a whole lot of dark secrets. I can't leave because I'm being stalked by a serial killer and the safest place is in Bossman's bed.
Elise is all I've ever wanted. She got away from me once, I won't let her go again. With the threat of a madman ever present, I can't keep her close and keep her protected.