Critical Pedagogy Under Siege in Palestine looks at formal and non-formal education in Palestine through the theoretical lens of critical pedagogy, viewing education and social and political struggles as interconnected issues. While the core focus of the book is Palestine the authors also refer to other localities where issues of decolonization and segregation exist such as Kosovo, Kurdish populated zones of Turkey, Iraq and Cyprus, drawing conclusions and comparisons about education in conflict areas. The authors use ideas from a range of theorists including Paulo Freire, Nadira Shalhoub-Kerkovian, Ibrahim Abu Loghod, Nahla Abdo and Edward Said, and draw on case studies to ground the theoretical discussion. The case studies include accounts of the struggle against the building of an Israeli apartheid wall in Battir village in Bethlehem, and radical theatre shows as sites of transformative education in Palestine.
January 14, 2021
Critical Pedagogy Under Siege in Palestine: Critical Perspectives from Paulo Freire, Khalil Sakakini, Edward Said and Antonio Gramsci
Critical Pedagogy Under Siege in Palestine looks at formal and non-formal education in Palestine through the theoretical lens of critical pedagogy, viewing education and social and political struggles as interconnected issues. While the core focus of the book is Palestine the authors also refer to other localities where issues of decolonization and segregation exist such as Kosovo, Kurdish populated zones of Turkey, Iraq and Cyprus, drawing conclusions and comparisons about education in conflict areas. The authors use ideas from a range of theorists including Paulo Freire, Nadira Shalhoub-Kerkovian, Ibrahim Abu Loghod, Nahla Abdo and Edward Said, and draw on case studies to ground the theoretical discussion. The case studies include accounts of the struggle against the building of an Israeli apartheid wall in Battir village in Bethlehem, and radical theatre shows as sites of transformative education in Palestine.