Created by acclaimed filmmaker Shekhar Kapur . Tara Mehta, the young woman from Sitapur who was chosen by the gods to host the essence of Devi, celestial warrior supreme, has fought renegade gods, apsara assassins, ruthless crime lords and even the darkness lurking inside her own soul. With the help of a fallen priest, a burnt-out cop and a smart aleck journalist, she has somehow managed not only to survive, but to harness her divine abilities to become the protector of Sitapur. But everything's about to change. When a mysterious vigilante starts killing criminals in Sitapur, Devi finds herself blamed for the murders. As she tries to piece together the identity of the vigilante, Tara uncovers a secret that goes all the way back to her own childhood. The journey of the girl who became a goddess takes a new twist, as she comes face to face with something that will change her life forever.
Created by acclaimed filmmaker Shekhar Kapur . Tara Mehta, the young woman from Sitapur who was chosen by the gods to host the essence of Devi, celestial warrior supreme, has fought renegade gods, apsara assassins, ruthless crime lords and even the darkness lurking inside her own soul. With the help of a fallen priest, a burnt-out cop and a smart aleck journalist, she has somehow managed not only to survive, but to harness her divine abilities to become the protector of Sitapur. But everything's about to change. When a mysterious vigilante starts killing criminals in Sitapur, Devi finds herself blamed for the murders. As she tries to piece together the identity of the vigilante, Tara uncovers a secret that goes all the way back to her own childhood. The journey of the girl who became a goddess takes a new twist, as she comes face to face with something that will change her life forever.