What goes on behind the scenes for an author? These essays, poems, and short fiction pieces
from a menagerie of authors will give you a hint at some of what they live with on a daily basis.
This collection of essays, poetry, and fiction features seventeen authors and poets with very unique voices and their own combinations of wild antics and crazy frustrations: C.L. Williams, Maggie Lowe, Purea Omallia, Chandra Trulove Fry, Chris Taylor, Mags Lowely, Iris Sweetwater, Philipp J. Kessler, Jeff Ducker, Cynthia Staton, P.I. Stoulpe, Victoria Taylor, Melinda Kucsera, Sondra Hicks, Rose Withering, Rhiannon Dragcruin, and Draevnn Moktova.
Kindle Edition
Saturn Returns Publishing
July 15, 2019
Authors Gone Bonkers: The Crazy Antics & Frustrations of Authors' Lives!
What goes on behind the scenes for an author? These essays, poems, and short fiction pieces
from a menagerie of authors will give you a hint at some of what they live with on a daily basis.
This collection of essays, poetry, and fiction features seventeen authors and poets with very unique voices and their own combinations of wild antics and crazy frustrations: C.L. Williams, Maggie Lowe, Purea Omallia, Chandra Trulove Fry, Chris Taylor, Mags Lowely, Iris Sweetwater, Philipp J. Kessler, Jeff Ducker, Cynthia Staton, P.I. Stoulpe, Victoria Taylor, Melinda Kucsera, Sondra Hicks, Rose Withering, Rhiannon Dragcruin, and Draevnn Moktova.