Preparing for his life after high school, Aaron enlisted into the Army, anxious to serve his country and fight for what he believed in. After losing his closest friend to a sniper, Aaron lost it while in the field and spent three months in a psychiatric ward until being shipped home. Once home he falls in love with Brook, a girl that he meets on a blind date. Not long after getting engaged he begins having nightmares of his time in the Iraqi war but puts it off as nothing serious. When the nightmares become more intense Brook talks to Aaron about seeing a psychiatrist and because of the deep love that Aaron has for his family he agrees. Unfortunately the intense sessions with the psychiatrist don't help and the nightmares begin to affect Aaron further. Aaron can no longer fight the right and wrong of the murders he's about to commit. In the end justice is served with a heart-breaking death that Aaron did not plan.
Preparing for his life after high school, Aaron enlisted into the Army, anxious to serve his country and fight for what he believed in. After losing his closest friend to a sniper, Aaron lost it while in the field and spent three months in a psychiatric ward until being shipped home. Once home he falls in love with Brook, a girl that he meets on a blind date. Not long after getting engaged he begins having nightmares of his time in the Iraqi war but puts it off as nothing serious. When the nightmares become more intense Brook talks to Aaron about seeing a psychiatrist and because of the deep love that Aaron has for his family he agrees. Unfortunately the intense sessions with the psychiatrist don't help and the nightmares begin to affect Aaron further. Aaron can no longer fight the right and wrong of the murders he's about to commit. In the end justice is served with a heart-breaking death that Aaron did not plan.