A Terrifying Anthology of 18 tales of horror! The fourth installment of our bestselling anthology series continues in the unrivaled tradition of rip-roaring, top quality tales of terror from the very best independent horror authors writing today!
We have, for your delectation, 18 skin-crawling, gut-wrenching tales of unrelenting horror from:Kenneth Bykerk, M U Nib, A.K. McCarthy, Steven Van Patten, Sinister Sweetheart, Carlton D. Herzog, Richard Raven, Serena Daniels, Duane Bradley, Joanna Koch, Michael Byrne, Clark Roberts, Palumbo 'ente per ente' Sergio, James H Longmore, Bill Evans, Larry Griffin, W.T. Paterson, and Ian Bain
A Terrifying Anthology of 18 tales of horror! The fourth installment of our bestselling anthology series continues in the unrivaled tradition of rip-roaring, top quality tales of terror from the very best independent horror authors writing today!
We have, for your delectation, 18 skin-crawling, gut-wrenching tales of unrelenting horror from:Kenneth Bykerk, M U Nib, A.K. McCarthy, Steven Van Patten, Sinister Sweetheart, Carlton D. Herzog, Richard Raven, Serena Daniels, Duane Bradley, Joanna Koch, Michael Byrne, Clark Roberts, Palumbo 'ente per ente' Sergio, James H Longmore, Bill Evans, Larry Griffin, W.T. Paterson, and Ian Bain