It’s 2025 and the freeze is here.An underground city called Burlington, is being made ready for the biggest whiteout ever recorded. One third of the northern hemisphere will be affected when it is covered in snow and ice, about to last four years. Frankie Hollyart is the woman in charge of the management of Burlington. Now that the final hour is upon them, her staff must complete the city in readiness for the arrival of its 3,500 inhabitants, vetted and chosen for their expertise and their ability to serve. Before the city is complete, the news reports the early arrival of a winter hurricane of massive and catastrophic proportions. Now time has run out.Whilst most of the British people perish, others are left fighting for survival, scavengers, and a group of young militants who take refuge in Eden, an artificial rain forest in Cornwall. They are the ones who oppose the system as they become desperate to claim back what is rightfully theirs, their descendant’s future life on earth.
It’s 2025 and the freeze is here.An underground city called Burlington, is being made ready for the biggest whiteout ever recorded. One third of the northern hemisphere will be affected when it is covered in snow and ice, about to last four years. Frankie Hollyart is the woman in charge of the management of Burlington. Now that the final hour is upon them, her staff must complete the city in readiness for the arrival of its 3,500 inhabitants, vetted and chosen for their expertise and their ability to serve. Before the city is complete, the news reports the early arrival of a winter hurricane of massive and catastrophic proportions. Now time has run out.Whilst most of the British people perish, others are left fighting for survival, scavengers, and a group of young militants who take refuge in Eden, an artificial rain forest in Cornwall. They are the ones who oppose the system as they become desperate to claim back what is rightfully theirs, their descendant’s future life on earth.