Set just before the infamous Wall Street Crash of 1929. "Snakes and Ladders" is a tale of a man driven by success and haunted by the idea of failure
"Some years ago now, my Grandfather left me a sum of money. I gave some to my father but kept the majority and for a long while, I left it alone. When I came to the city I was swept away by a wave of financial advancements that came after the war. Before I knew it some quiet advice from a stranger in a bar turned into a telephone call, and soon enough, I had shares for anything worth having shares in. I guess I thought the only way was up."
Set just before the infamous Wall Street Crash of 1929. "Snakes and Ladders" is a tale of a man driven by success and haunted by the idea of failure
"Some years ago now, my Grandfather left me a sum of money. I gave some to my father but kept the majority and for a long while, I left it alone. When I came to the city I was swept away by a wave of financial advancements that came after the war. Before I knew it some quiet advice from a stranger in a bar turned into a telephone call, and soon enough, I had shares for anything worth having shares in. I guess I thought the only way was up."