These days we live in a world where a person's image is often ridiculed in favour of a 'perfect' look through the media. From very early on we are exposed to these trends and they impact how we perceive both ourselves and the world around us. The new series from author Hermione Little aims to embed an appreciation of different shapes or sizes at a young age through use of colourful imagery and accessible language. This is the first entry in a series of books primarily developed for children between the ages of 1-5 but hopefully their parents will find some joy in reading along with them. For further information please refer to my author profile on Amazon and various social media pages.
These days we live in a world where a person's image is often ridiculed in favour of a 'perfect' look through the media. From very early on we are exposed to these trends and they impact how we perceive both ourselves and the world around us. The new series from author Hermione Little aims to embed an appreciation of different shapes or sizes at a young age through use of colourful imagery and accessible language. This is the first entry in a series of books primarily developed for children between the ages of 1-5 but hopefully their parents will find some joy in reading along with them. For further information please refer to my author profile on Amazon and various social media pages.