The Earth was Created by the Reptilians after they destroyed Planet Maldek and Mars killing the inhabitants. The Reptilians brought the dinosaurs as a food source but they were killed off by the people of Atlantis.Reptilians have been on Earth since forever and control our government through their evil Cabal. British Queen Elizabeth admits that she is not Human. She is a Satanic Evil Reptilian Shape Shifter Cannibal.
Kindle Edition
Creation - A Reptilian Story: British Royals are Reptilians !
The Earth was Created by the Reptilians after they destroyed Planet Maldek and Mars killing the inhabitants. The Reptilians brought the dinosaurs as a food source but they were killed off by the people of Atlantis.Reptilians have been on Earth since forever and control our government through their evil Cabal. British Queen Elizabeth admits that she is not Human. She is a Satanic Evil Reptilian Shape Shifter Cannibal.