Three lives collide in a bizarre legend from the mysterious city of Mount Herod.
Teenager Tommy Wexler rediscovers a twisted childhood friend, single-mom Irene struggles to cope with her six-year-old daughter’s frightening supernatural abilities, and one of Mount Herod’s elite residents, Malcolm Gladstone, makes an extraordinary discovery.
Lost and confused, these three individuals soon find themselves in an unimaginable clash of rage, denial, and greed that will solidify their roles in the growing saga of Mount Herod Legends.
Three lives collide in a bizarre legend from the mysterious city of Mount Herod.
Teenager Tommy Wexler rediscovers a twisted childhood friend, single-mom Irene struggles to cope with her six-year-old daughter’s frightening supernatural abilities, and one of Mount Herod’s elite residents, Malcolm Gladstone, makes an extraordinary discovery.
Lost and confused, these three individuals soon find themselves in an unimaginable clash of rage, denial, and greed that will solidify their roles in the growing saga of Mount Herod Legends.