Nestled in the mountains, the small nation of Mateon is troubled. King Leonas Tygada is beset by enemies on all sides. The Abai'ins to the south scheme and probe his borders, whilst to the north, the Church of the Shepherd glowers, wishing to extend the reach of their priests. These problems are trivial, however, to the horrors that have migrated to the mountain ranges. As monstrous figures stalk their prey, and shadows plot in every dark crevice and alley, Leonas and his allies steel themselves for the bloodshed that is to come. The very survival of Mateon is at stake.
July 03, 2020
The Ravage of Mateon (The Three Thrones Trilogy #1)
Nestled in the mountains, the small nation of Mateon is troubled. King Leonas Tygada is beset by enemies on all sides. The Abai'ins to the south scheme and probe his borders, whilst to the north, the Church of the Shepherd glowers, wishing to extend the reach of their priests. These problems are trivial, however, to the horrors that have migrated to the mountain ranges. As monstrous figures stalk their prey, and shadows plot in every dark crevice and alley, Leonas and his allies steel themselves for the bloodshed that is to come. The very survival of Mateon is at stake.