The deadliest monsters live outside the shadows...
Katarina, The Master’s protégé, is making a comeback one mark at a time, but she’s slowly losing her razor-sharp edge. Seeking revenge, she’s making bloody mistakes that just might cost her the one true desire of her heart.
When The Master—aka Dr. Kingsley, the monster who kidnapped Cold Case Detective Ellie Kline as a teen—surfaces, Ellie and Special Agent Clay Lockwood track him to Florida. Each new horrifying clue adds a new whirl to the circle of evil that’s growing wider and wider. Now, it’s circling back on itself.
When Ellie was a beat cop, she saved a child from Katarina’s clutches. Little Harmony is missing again. This time, a secret is being exposed one terrible illegal adoption at a time. The circle’s evil fingers are wrapping tighter aroun
The deadliest monsters live outside the shadows...
Katarina, The Master’s protégé, is making a comeback one mark at a time, but she’s slowly losing her razor-sharp edge. Seeking revenge, she’s making bloody mistakes that just might cost her the one true desire of her heart.
When The Master—aka Dr. Kingsley, the monster who kidnapped Cold Case Detective Ellie Kline as a teen—surfaces, Ellie and Special Agent Clay Lockwood track him to Florida. Each new horrifying clue adds a new whirl to the circle of evil that’s growing wider and wider. Now, it’s circling back on itself.
When Ellie was a beat cop, she saved a child from Katarina’s clutches. Little Harmony is missing again. This time, a secret is being exposed one terrible illegal adoption at a time. The circle’s evil fingers are wrapping tighter aroun