Thru his eloquent description of the fiery, mythic visions of a woman discovering her repressed sexuality & feminine power, Jung reveals how deeply this encounter challenged his understanding of feminine psychology. For him, the beautiful & brilliantly creative 28-year old Christiana Morgan was an inspired force whose path in self-analysis paralleled his own quest for personal knowledge. By teaching Morgan the trance-like technique of active imagination, he helped her embark on a series of archetypal adventures which she depicted in paintings of great virtuosity & he candidly recounted at a seminar given to some of his closest followers.
Thru his eloquent description of the fiery, mythic visions of a woman discovering her repressed sexuality & feminine power, Jung reveals how deeply this encounter challenged his understanding of feminine psychology. For him, the beautiful & brilliantly creative 28-year old Christiana Morgan was an inspired force whose path in self-analysis paralleled his own quest for personal knowledge. By teaching Morgan the trance-like technique of active imagination, he helped her embark on a series of archetypal adventures which she depicted in paintings of great virtuosity & he candidly recounted at a seminar given to some of his closest followers.