This book is written by OsteoFamilies and checked for medical accuracy by 3 medical doctors in the Osteosarcoma field. It details the osteosarcoma journey from diagnosis, treatment and surgery, end of protocol, relapse and life after cancer. We endeavored to share information that we wish we had known earlier in our journey as well as help warriors and their caregivers to learn the information and terminology to help navigate osteosarcoma with greater ease.
This book is written by OsteoFamilies and checked for medical accuracy by 3 medical doctors in the Osteosarcoma field. It details the osteosarcoma journey from diagnosis, treatment and surgery, end of protocol, relapse and life after cancer. We endeavored to share information that we wish we had known earlier in our journey as well as help warriors and their caregivers to learn the information and terminology to help navigate osteosarcoma with greater ease.