Exciting News…But Can Kami Believe?
The historic election of the first U.S. female Vice President fills Kami with excitement, but Kami has never seen a female VP before. Will more details help to ignite her inner Girl Power or cast further doubts? Can Kami overcome her doubts and embrace her inner Dreamer? Girls of all ages will be inspired by this story and refuel their passion for achieving all their dreams!
Kindle Edition
Future Miss President: Inspiring Children to Dream Big!
Exciting News…But Can Kami Believe?
The historic election of the first U.S. female Vice President fills Kami with excitement, but Kami has never seen a female VP before. Will more details help to ignite her inner Girl Power or cast further doubts? Can Kami overcome her doubts and embrace her inner Dreamer? Girls of all ages will be inspired by this story and refuel their passion for achieving all their dreams!