Every month, for three days, a mysterious fog filled with demonic creatures swallows the world. Since its first appearance a decade ago, I’ve diligently secured my home against the danger. Today, my sister’s negligence has allowed something in. A Mistwalker. A part of him now resides inside of me, his brand on my chest a constant reminder of his presence. He terrifies me and threatens to derail the life I’ve been building. And yet, a part of me is drawn to him…
I walked two worlds to be with her.
For years, I have lurked in the Mist, lying in wait for the opportunity to get to my fiery Jade. Now that humans have torn the Veil, nothing will keep me from crossing into the Mortal Plane to claim her. She’s my mate. I will not allow her to hide from the truth she knows deep within her but fears to acknowledge. I was made for her. I am her greatest wish.
Every month, for three days, a mysterious fog filled with demonic creatures swallows the world. Since its first appearance a decade ago, I’ve diligently secured my home against the danger. Today, my sister’s negligence has allowed something in. A Mistwalker. A part of him now resides inside of me, his brand on my chest a constant reminder of his presence. He terrifies me and threatens to derail the life I’ve been building. And yet, a part of me is drawn to him…
I walked two worlds to be with her.
For years, I have lurked in the Mist, lying in wait for the opportunity to get to my fiery Jade. Now that humans have torn the Veil, nothing will keep me from crossing into the Mortal Plane to claim her. She’s my mate. I will not allow her to hide from the truth she knows deep within her but fears to acknowledge. I was made for her. I am her greatest wish.