In a world where cursed spirits feed on unsuspecting humans, fragments of the legendary and feared demon Ryomen Sukuna were lost and scattered about. Should any demon consume Sukuna’s body parts, the power they gain could destroy the world as we know it. Fortunately, there exists a mysterious school of jujutsu sorcerers who exist to protect the precarious existence of the living from the supernatural!
Sukuna, unleashed, is wrecking Shibuya, and Fushiguro has suffered a serious injury from a curse user’s surprise attack. Fushiguro comes up with a desperate plan to deal with both the rampaging Sukuna and the curse user, but the cost will be grave…
In a world where cursed spirits feed on unsuspecting humans, fragments of the legendary and feared demon Ryomen Sukuna were lost and scattered about. Should any demon consume Sukuna’s body parts, the power they gain could destroy the world as we know it. Fortunately, there exists a mysterious school of jujutsu sorcerers who exist to protect the precarious existence of the living from the supernatural!
Sukuna, unleashed, is wrecking Shibuya, and Fushiguro has suffered a serious injury from a curse user’s surprise attack. Fushiguro comes up with a desperate plan to deal with both the rampaging Sukuna and the curse user, but the cost will be grave…