A universe of sentient insectoids, purple jungles, and insane electromagnetic fields.
A mace-wielding teen space-ninja who is kidnapped by a vengeful zealot who forces her to choose between the fate of the Universe, and the ones she loves.
A blend of hard biomedical science fiction with multicultural fantasy, Neodymium Exodus combines the introspection of classics like Perelandra with the vibrant boldness of modern best-sellers like This Alien Shore and Space Opera.
A universe of sentient insectoids, purple jungles, and insane electromagnetic fields.
A mace-wielding teen space-ninja who is kidnapped by a vengeful zealot who forces her to choose between the fate of the Universe, and the ones she loves.
A blend of hard biomedical science fiction with multicultural fantasy, Neodymium Exodus combines the introspection of classics like Perelandra with the vibrant boldness of modern best-sellers like This Alien Shore and Space Opera.