A treasure trove of unusual fiction spanning authors from Gogol and Kafka through Woolf and Nabokov to Calvino, Garcia Marquez, and Barthelme. A poet's companion, a student's delight, great bedside reading.
Magical Realist Fiction includes:
The nose by Nikolai Gogol
The porcelain doll by Leo Tolstoy
The wardrobe by Thomas Mann
A tale of the cavalry by Hugo von Hofmannsthal
The jolly corner by Henry James
The death of Chamberlain Brigge . The hand by Rainer Marie Rilke
Odour of chrysanthemums. The blind man by D.H. Lawrence
A country doctor. The bucket rider by Franz Kafka
The sin of Jesus by Isaac Babel
Lyompa by Yuri Olesha
The Egyptian stamp by Osip Emilievich Mandelstam
The great frost by Virginia Woolf
The street of crocodiles by Bruno Schulz
The visit to the museum by Vladimir Nabokov
New islands by María Luisa Bombal
In the land of magic by Henri Michaux
The old people by William Faulkner
Moon Lake by Eudora Welty
The piano by Aníbal Monteiro Machado
The aleph. The south by Jorge Luis Borges
My life with the wave by Octavio Paz
The enormous radio by John Cheever
The guest by Vjekoslav Kaleb
Gogol's wife by Tommaso Landolfi
Major Aranda's hand by Alfonso Reyes
Axolotl. The night face up by Julio Cortázar
Journey to the seed by Alejo Carpentier
The smallest woman in the world by Clarice Lispector
Aura by Carlos Fuentes
In the village by Elizabeth Bishop
The distance of the moon. Invisible cities by Italo Calvino
A very old man with enormous wings. Blacamán the Good, vendor of miracles by Gabriel García Márquez
Cloud maker by Robert Escarpit
Views of my father weeping by Donald Barthelme
The angels by Milan Kundera
A treasure trove of unusual fiction spanning authors from Gogol and Kafka through Woolf and Nabokov to Calvino, Garcia Marquez, and Barthelme. A poet's companion, a student's delight, great bedside reading.
Magical Realist Fiction includes:
The nose by Nikolai Gogol
The porcelain doll by Leo Tolstoy
The wardrobe by Thomas Mann
A tale of the cavalry by Hugo von Hofmannsthal
The jolly corner by Henry James
The death of Chamberlain Brigge . The hand by Rainer Marie Rilke
Odour of chrysanthemums. The blind man by D.H. Lawrence
A country doctor. The bucket rider by Franz Kafka
The sin of Jesus by Isaac Babel
Lyompa by Yuri Olesha
The Egyptian stamp by Osip Emilievich Mandelstam
The great frost by Virginia Woolf
The street of crocodiles by Bruno Schulz
The visit to the museum by Vladimir Nabokov
New islands by María Luisa Bombal
In the land of magic by Henri Michaux
The old people by William Faulkner
Moon Lake by Eudora Welty
The piano by Aníbal Monteiro Machado
The aleph. The south by Jorge Luis Borges
My life with the wave by Octavio Paz
The enormous radio by John Cheever
The guest by Vjekoslav Kaleb
Gogol's wife by Tommaso Landolfi
Major Aranda's hand by Alfonso Reyes
Axolotl. The night face up by Julio Cortázar
Journey to the seed by Alejo Carpentier
The smallest woman in the world by Clarice Lispector
Aura by Carlos Fuentes
In the village by Elizabeth Bishop
The distance of the moon. Invisible cities by Italo Calvino
A very old man with enormous wings. Blacamán the Good, vendor of miracles by Gabriel García Márquez
Cloud maker by Robert Escarpit
Views of my father weeping by Donald Barthelme
The angels by Milan Kundera