In this page-turning futuristic novel, a young woman finds out what it means to be living in a world destroyed by war, and a young man discovers that his only chance of survival is to question everything his parents taught him.
It is 40 years into the future and the world is in turmoil. A plague has destroyed humans' ability to conceive females, or so Callum thinks until he meets Bo. A page-turning adventure unfolds as the pair rely on each other to survive a dangerous journey to a safe haven in the city of Vulture's Gate.
In this page-turning futuristic novel, a young woman finds out what it means to be living in a world destroyed by war, and a young man discovers that his only chance of survival is to question everything his parents taught him.
It is 40 years into the future and the world is in turmoil. A plague has destroyed humans' ability to conceive females, or so Callum thinks until he meets Bo. A page-turning adventure unfolds as the pair rely on each other to survive a dangerous journey to a safe haven in the city of Vulture's Gate.