Witch on the Water chronicles the continuing adventures of twelve-year-old Cullen and his friends, Maddy and April. Cullen thought he had enough trouble surviving school, dealing with his miserable home life, and being possessed by Rowan, a 1400-year-old wizard. But when Rowan's wife, the sadistic vampire Fiana, comes back seeking revenge, Cullen and his band of misfits must do what they can to stop her. This time Cullen's favorite teacher is Fiana's first target. Imaginative and poignant, the adventures of Rowan and Cullen thoroughly enchants the reader and promises to be a great series for readers of fantasy, young and old. Witch on the Water is the second book in the award-winning Rowan of the Wood fantasy series.
Witch on the Water chronicles the continuing adventures of twelve-year-old Cullen and his friends, Maddy and April. Cullen thought he had enough trouble surviving school, dealing with his miserable home life, and being possessed by Rowan, a 1400-year-old wizard. But when Rowan's wife, the sadistic vampire Fiana, comes back seeking revenge, Cullen and his band of misfits must do what they can to stop her. This time Cullen's favorite teacher is Fiana's first target. Imaginative and poignant, the adventures of Rowan and Cullen thoroughly enchants the reader and promises to be a great series for readers of fantasy, young and old. Witch on the Water is the second book in the award-winning Rowan of the Wood fantasy series.