A God-inspired renewed passion for mission in the united States and Canada is underway across the Church of the Nazarene. Some call it a holy revolution of vision and focust. And Now...Next Door and Down the Freeway calls Nazarenes to spread the gospel to unreached people in distant lands. Cultural diversity, humand need, and urbanization converge as the cutting-edge issues that will increasingly demand a response from the church in its evagelistic mission. Our mission fields are everywhere - next door, in the next town, and around the world.
A God-inspired renewed passion for mission in the united States and Canada is underway across the Church of the Nazarene. Some call it a holy revolution of vision and focust. And Now...Next Door and Down the Freeway calls Nazarenes to spread the gospel to unreached people in distant lands. Cultural diversity, humand need, and urbanization converge as the cutting-edge issues that will increasingly demand a response from the church in its evagelistic mission. Our mission fields are everywhere - next door, in the next town, and around the world.