Doctor Who Short Trips is a series of themed short story anthologies of new Doctor Who fiction, featuring the Doctor in all of his first eight incarnations. They feature stories written by some of the leading names in Doctor Who, past and present, including Paul Cornell, Gareth Roberts, Christopher H. Bidmead, and Paul Magrs. Once we believed our lives were sacred, that we had souls. Now we know we are mere machines; genetic data. We are science. But even as we learn, the properties of life remain uncertain. How does life acquire consciousness, or rights? Does a robot dream? If a person transforms into an oak tree, is it science or the work of gods? Did the Victorians find a way to resurrect the dead? To science, such questions are invitations to explore. Who better to explore with than the Doctor?
Doctor Who Short Trips is a series of themed short story anthologies of new Doctor Who fiction, featuring the Doctor in all of his first eight incarnations. They feature stories written by some of the leading names in Doctor Who, past and present, including Paul Cornell, Gareth Roberts, Christopher H. Bidmead, and Paul Magrs. Once we believed our lives were sacred, that we had souls. Now we know we are mere machines; genetic data. We are science. But even as we learn, the properties of life remain uncertain. How does life acquire consciousness, or rights? Does a robot dream? If a person transforms into an oak tree, is it science or the work of gods? Did the Victorians find a way to resurrect the dead? To science, such questions are invitations to explore. Who better to explore with than the Doctor?