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What I liked most about Casnocha's book was that he took us through the start-up experience step-by-step. Knowing that he would make some mistakes on the way - as we all do - he addressed them anyway, making sure to show what he learned from each.This is one of my favorite entrepreneurship books.
This book is so inspirational! Our businesses are completely different, but we go through the same stages. The excitement and drive of this teenager helped renew my passion in my business.
Part of being responsible for your life is also taking responsibility for your enjoyment of life. If you aren't enjoying your life, don't blame it on someone else.The critical element of the discovery process is the exploration of the unknown. Embrace randomness and whimsy.Entrepreneur Gold: "A description of the problem, and its ideal solution, straight from the mouth of the customer"Solve visible problems.View the world through a lens of improvement.To get things done, ask yourself: What's nex...
I absolutely loved this book. A story about ambition and perseverance, coming directly from a young man who at 12 years opened his first company and at 16 years he was nominated for entrepreneur of the year. At 19 years old he published this book that recounts the events that went up to that point.
لم أقرأ الكتاب لأحاول ولوج ريادة الأعمال، وإنما لدخول عقول روادها، لأعرف كيف تتم تنقية أفكارهم وآرائهم، ثم المبادرة وممارسة المحاولة حتى بلوغ الإنجاز، وأحببت أن أراقب حياة أحدهم فكانت هذه القصة. غالبا هذا الأمر يسمى فضولا.قصة إنشاء شركتي، لم يبدأ فيها "بن كاسنوكا" من حلم ولا مرآب، كما قال، ولا باستبصار مبكر. كان شغفا حمله على زيارة عالم الإنترنت للقيام بواجب مدرسي من جهة، ومساعدة الناس والحكومة - من جهة أخرى- بطرق سهلة، دون الرجوع للأوراق الصفراء لطلب مساعدة أو تسليم شكوى أو الإبلاغ عن خلل في ال...
I liked Ben's account of starting Comcate. Considering he was 15 when he started the company it's a pretty remarkable a story. I do think it might be a bit basic for experienced entrepreneurs but for those who like any entrepreneurial memoir and especially people just getting started in business this will be a great and worthwhile read.
Boring book, with all known primitive facts.
There were parts of this book I liked a lot and parts that fell short. Even though Casnocha's story centers around the dot com boom/bust, there are many great strategies and principles that apply to any career.
"قصة إنشاء شركتي" هي حقا قصة حياة المؤلف "بن كاسنوكا" المهنية بما تحتويه من أحداث ومغامرات في مجال ريادة الأعمال على الرغم من صغر سنه، فهي مرتبة في فصول وكل فصل يتخلله موضوعات جانبية أطلق عليها العصف الذهني وهي ذات صلة بالموضوع، حيث يتناول فيها الكاتب خلاصة ما أراد أن يوصله من فكرة ومهارة إدارية مرتبطة بالحدث نفسه. يقول المؤلف في المقدمة أن القصة اتسمت بروح المجازفة في مجال ريادة الأعمال ... وأنا لا أعتقد ذلك !! ، وإن صحّٓ القول يمكن وصفها على أنها كالرواية في طولها وسردها النثري الباعث للملل، و...
I loved this book! As an entrepreneur, Casnocha gives great advice and it details how and what he did to start his first company - when he was 15. The story this book tells illustrates that even though there are risks and ups and downs associated with starting a business, it is possible to control certain factors and improve at certain skills to help you succeed. This is one of my favorite business books.
Blogger Ben Casnocha gives a sweeping account of his entrepeneurial life. He includes numerous anecdotes about his business experiences, plus takes time out to explain business lessons of his and of his business friends. Wonderful advice for the inspired entrepeneurs of the future.
An interesting book about a very young entrepreneur. Didn't go quite as deep as I would have liked though, and a bit heavy on the inspirational mumjo jumbo
As Ben quotes at the end of his book."Mavis Leyer once said, "The object of life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting, Holy shit, what a ride!!!"
This is a business book that reads (quickly) as an excellent memoir in the life story of a software startup. The authors ability to tell his story while simultaneously throwing in bits of business wisdom (some of which the seasoned business reader will most likely know or have experience with) is refreshing. After reading it, and returning it to the library, I decided to acquire my own copy as a reference book for myself and coworkers who might benefit from it.
Half way through - Ben is an annoying over-achiever but motivating reading so far..
Starting up a business doesn't have any age limit
تجربة انشاء شركه عبارة عن موقع الكترونييربط المواطنيين بالمجلس البلدي..تجربة رائد أعمال مميز
Actually, this is a very decent book, and certainly a worthwhile read for anyone interested in enterpreneurship. My two star rating has little to do with the quality of the book - it's just a personal opinion because my own interests don't really coincide with the subject. (I read it because it's on the college bound recommended reading list.) Despite that, I picked up a few interesting tidbits - networking is so incredibly deliberate. (It actually makes me a bit uncomfortable, which is just one...
كتاب من فئة المختصر المفيد قصة لن تخبرك كيف تصبح ريادي اعمال ولكن ستجيب على هذا السؤال بطريقة اخرى ،، بلا مبالغات او تعظيم للذات
While most of us were experiencing the trials and tribulations that come with high school life, Ben Casnocha was already the chairman of his second company, Comcate. In fact, he was nominated for Inc. Magazine's "Entrepreneur of the Year" at the ripe age of 16. While that is indeed an impressive feat, I thought his book was a bit of a let down. The book contains a jumbled array of insights from Ben's "Braintrust", who are essentially his mentors. There are also several sections called "Brainstor...