This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1733 edition. ... Of the different Ways of propagating of Pla Nt s, by Seeds, Cuttings, Isfc. H E Contents of this Difcourfe as they relate to the different Ways of propagating of Plants, fo are they depending upon the former Chapters, which treat of the Anatomy of Plants, and of the Motion of Juices in Plants j to which we muft have a ftri£t Regard in the Pra&ice of every Leffon I /hall here let down. I I fhall begin with increafing of Plants by By a Cutting, I mean a young tender Twig, of the laft Growth, to be cut from a Plant, in order to make it ftrike Root, by burying Part of it in the Earth, by which Way many Sorts of Plants may be increas'd efpecially thole whole Shoots are the moft Juicy, or Succulent, or contain the moft watry For, as I have obferv'd before, fiich Plants as are fill'd with Gummy or Rozinous Sap, will rarely take Root from a Cutting When we find fikh as are for our Turn, we muft cut them from the Mother-Plt, either in the Spring, juft as the Sap is beginning to move in them, or elle about Midfummer, when they have juft finilh'd their firft Shoot; always obferving that they are tender. For an Example, we fhall propofe the Myrtle, whole Cuttings, at thefe Seafbns, are tender, and little inclining to be Woody. The Cuttings of this Sort may be about Four Inches long, becaufe there will be, as many Buds in that Length of a Myrtle-Shoot, as one may find in a Shoot of a Vine, and other fiich like Plants of a Yard long j and the more Buds feuds we bury, lb the more Roots we mail have and the greater Number of Roots will gather a greater Quantity of Nourishment; arid, confequently, the Buds above Ground will be better fed, and be more vigorous in their Growth. The Myrtle Cuttings will prefently ftrike Root, if the...
September 12, 2013
Ten Practical Discourses Concerning the Four Elements, as They Relate to the Growth of Plants
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1733 edition. ... Of the different Ways of propagating of Pla Nt s, by Seeds, Cuttings, Isfc. H E Contents of this Difcourfe as they relate to the different Ways of propagating of Plants, fo are they depending upon the former Chapters, which treat of the Anatomy of Plants, and of the Motion of Juices in Plants j to which we muft have a ftri£t Regard in the Pra&ice of every Leffon I /hall here let down. I I fhall begin with increafing of Plants by By a Cutting, I mean a young tender Twig, of the laft Growth, to be cut from a Plant, in order to make it ftrike Root, by burying Part of it in the Earth, by which Way many Sorts of Plants may be increas'd efpecially thole whole Shoots are the moft Juicy, or Succulent, or contain the moft watry For, as I have obferv'd before, fiich Plants as are fill'd with Gummy or Rozinous Sap, will rarely take Root from a Cutting When we find fikh as are for our Turn, we muft cut them from the Mother-Plt, either in the Spring, juft as the Sap is beginning to move in them, or elle about Midfummer, when they have juft finilh'd their firft Shoot; always obferving that they are tender. For an Example, we fhall propofe the Myrtle, whole Cuttings, at thefe Seafbns, are tender, and little inclining to be Woody. The Cuttings of this Sort may be about Four Inches long, becaufe there will be, as many Buds in that Length of a Myrtle-Shoot, as one may find in a Shoot of a Vine, and other fiich like Plants of a Yard long j and the more Buds feuds we bury, lb the more Roots we mail have and the greater Number of Roots will gather a greater Quantity of Nourishment; arid, confequently, the Buds above Ground will be better fed, and be more vigorous in their Growth. The Myrtle Cuttings will prefently ftrike Root, if the...