Does science fiction always have to show realistic spaceships, far-future worlds, and alien creatures? Could you settle for actors on a stage portraying the following? * A spaceship pilot hallucinating about dragons outside his ship * A police officer with a split personality, working as both good cop and bad cop * Computer techs being retrained as steelworkers * Medically immortal people desperately trying to avoid death * Visitors from the future who aren't very bright * You get all of this, and more, in the 42 comedy sketches collected in this book by their author, longtime Moebius Theatre participant E. Michael Blake. Read them and enjoy the show, for less than the price of admission to a live performance.
Does science fiction always have to show realistic spaceships, far-future worlds, and alien creatures? Could you settle for actors on a stage portraying the following? * A spaceship pilot hallucinating about dragons outside his ship * A police officer with a split personality, working as both good cop and bad cop * Computer techs being retrained as steelworkers * Medically immortal people desperately trying to avoid death * Visitors from the future who aren't very bright * You get all of this, and more, in the 42 comedy sketches collected in this book by their author, longtime Moebius Theatre participant E. Michael Blake. Read them and enjoy the show, for less than the price of admission to a live performance.