The Burning Servant is an alternate history story, and is one of the stories in Mike Stackpole's Chain Story project. This series of tales all begin at the Wanderer's Club, a gathering place where tales of fantastic adventure are traded. Each story stands independently.
Often, these stories are told by robust persons of adventure - larger than life champions from the highest ranks of society. This dark fantasy, of darkness, death, and compromise set during the Civil War, suggests that the official accounts of history have little to do with the real story.
This story was featured in episode 269 of Pseudopod.
The Burning Servant is an alternate history story, and is one of the stories in Mike Stackpole's Chain Story project. This series of tales all begin at the Wanderer's Club, a gathering place where tales of fantastic adventure are traded. Each story stands independently.
Often, these stories are told by robust persons of adventure - larger than life champions from the highest ranks of society. This dark fantasy, of darkness, death, and compromise set during the Civil War, suggests that the official accounts of history have little to do with the real story.
This story was featured in episode 269 of Pseudopod.