The TOMB of BAALBERITH is a one shot 48 page B&W horror comic that pays homage to the old EC Tales of the Crypt, Vault of Horror comics from the 1950's with 4 interconnected stories loosely connected by bookends featuring the title character. The premise comes from veteran comic book artist Mark McKenna. McKenna has worked on over 600 credited books for Marvel, DC and just about every other publisher out there. He publishes his own books, the sci fi COMBAT JACKS and his kids property, Banana Tail under his Banana Tale Press banner. He has brought with him a talented group of new/young pros that each handled their own 12 page horror story, Sam Eggleston, co-writes McKenna's COMBAT JACKS and penned MIRROR to the SOUL along with artist Jay DeFoy. Michael Oppenheimer's stylish and horrifying BOOG will give you nightmares and Victor Castro Jr's WILLING SACRIFICE will make you think, that is..if you still have a brain after reading his story!
The TOMB of BAALBERITH is a one shot 48 page B&W horror comic that pays homage to the old EC Tales of the Crypt, Vault of Horror comics from the 1950's with 4 interconnected stories loosely connected by bookends featuring the title character. The premise comes from veteran comic book artist Mark McKenna. McKenna has worked on over 600 credited books for Marvel, DC and just about every other publisher out there. He publishes his own books, the sci fi COMBAT JACKS and his kids property, Banana Tail under his Banana Tale Press banner. He has brought with him a talented group of new/young pros that each handled their own 12 page horror story, Sam Eggleston, co-writes McKenna's COMBAT JACKS and penned MIRROR to the SOUL along with artist Jay DeFoy. Michael Oppenheimer's stylish and horrifying BOOG will give you nightmares and Victor Castro Jr's WILLING SACRIFICE will make you think, that is..if you still have a brain after reading his story!