Among the shadows of the infamous Shudderwood lurk deadly beasts, savage madmen, and monsters that blur the line between the two. Into this fearful wilderness the heroes follow the path of the Whispering Way's nefarious necromancers. But when the cultists’ passage throws the forest’s tenuous peace into chaos, the adventurers find the only island of safety amid the savage wilds transformed into the killing grounds of a shapeshifting monster. Can the PCs escape the terror-plagued wilderness and unveil the death cultists’ true plot at last? Or will the lycanthropic curse claim them as well?
This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path continues the Carrion Crown Adventure Path and includes:
- “Broken Moon,” a Pathfinder RPG adventure for 7th-level characters, by Tim Hitchcock.
- The secrets of the Whispering Way, a notorious cult sworn to the powers of death and undeath, revealed in blasphemous detail, by Adam Daigle.
- Insights into the savage lives of werewolves, wererats, and other lycanthropes, by Gareth Hanrahan.
- Laurel Cylphra comes face to face with an ancient mystery in the Pathfinder’s Journal, by F. Wesley Schneider.
- Seven exciting and deadly new monsters, by Tim Hitchcock, Rob McCreary, and Patrick Renie.
Among the shadows of the infamous Shudderwood lurk deadly beasts, savage madmen, and monsters that blur the line between the two. Into this fearful wilderness the heroes follow the path of the Whispering Way's nefarious necromancers. But when the cultists’ passage throws the forest’s tenuous peace into chaos, the adventurers find the only island of safety amid the savage wilds transformed into the killing grounds of a shapeshifting monster. Can the PCs escape the terror-plagued wilderness and unveil the death cultists’ true plot at last? Or will the lycanthropic curse claim them as well?
This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path continues the Carrion Crown Adventure Path and includes:
- “Broken Moon,” a Pathfinder RPG adventure for 7th-level characters, by Tim Hitchcock.
- The secrets of the Whispering Way, a notorious cult sworn to the powers of death and undeath, revealed in blasphemous detail, by Adam Daigle.
- Insights into the savage lives of werewolves, wererats, and other lycanthropes, by Gareth Hanrahan.
- Laurel Cylphra comes face to face with an ancient mystery in the Pathfinder’s Journal, by F. Wesley Schneider.
- Seven exciting and deadly new monsters, by Tim Hitchcock, Rob McCreary, and Patrick Renie.