Paulie wakes up from the worst nightmare of his life. Images of monsters chasing him are forever burned into his brain. By the time his school day gets started, a string of strange events has him convinced that his nightmare was in fact a foretelling of a horrifying and unavoidable future at the hands of Jack Crackbone. He scrambles to find a way out of his destiny of doom, but his problems run deeper than just dealing with the most humongous bully in the history of the universe. Brenda Smooch, the most boy-crazy girl in the fifth grade is after him, too. And MARKIE MUCOSA, the most annoying kid on the planet, simply WILL NOT LEAVE HIM ALONE. The drawings, the drama, the laughs, the Mystery Meat and the "Seek and Find" activities will have you mesmerized for about twelve years, so GRAB SOME SANCKS. * This book is revision of the previously released "Jack Crackbone: Nightmare of a Bully."
July 27, 2013
Markie: A Runny Nose and Much, Much More (The Metamorphosis of Paulie Wogg) (Volume 1)
Paulie wakes up from the worst nightmare of his life. Images of monsters chasing him are forever burned into his brain. By the time his school day gets started, a string of strange events has him convinced that his nightmare was in fact a foretelling of a horrifying and unavoidable future at the hands of Jack Crackbone. He scrambles to find a way out of his destiny of doom, but his problems run deeper than just dealing with the most humongous bully in the history of the universe. Brenda Smooch, the most boy-crazy girl in the fifth grade is after him, too. And MARKIE MUCOSA, the most annoying kid on the planet, simply WILL NOT LEAVE HIM ALONE. The drawings, the drama, the laughs, the Mystery Meat and the "Seek and Find" activities will have you mesmerized for about twelve years, so GRAB SOME SANCKS. * This book is revision of the previously released "Jack Crackbone: Nightmare of a Bully."