Call him Stinky. In this third adventure, the hero with a heart of gold and a stink to high heaven enters the 238th Annual Catfish Rodeo and Fish Fry. A catfish of preposterous proportions has confounded the fishermen of Hottenholler for generations. Once again, the whole town has gathered to see if anyone will catch the elusive fish. T.V. personality and all-around big shot, Barry Cooter harbors a particular resentment of Ol' Whiskers-he blames the fish for the terrible incident that resulted in the loss of his hiney. Will Barry be the one to finally hook the great white catfish or will Uncle Stinky's secret weapon prove irresistible fish bait? PLUS! Hootenholler's One of a Kind Self-Guided Tour of Rocks and a terrifying tale about zombie chickens.
Call him Stinky. In this third adventure, the hero with a heart of gold and a stink to high heaven enters the 238th Annual Catfish Rodeo and Fish Fry. A catfish of preposterous proportions has confounded the fishermen of Hottenholler for generations. Once again, the whole town has gathered to see if anyone will catch the elusive fish. T.V. personality and all-around big shot, Barry Cooter harbors a particular resentment of Ol' Whiskers-he blames the fish for the terrible incident that resulted in the loss of his hiney. Will Barry be the one to finally hook the great white catfish or will Uncle Stinky's secret weapon prove irresistible fish bait? PLUS! Hootenholler's One of a Kind Self-Guided Tour of Rocks and a terrifying tale about zombie chickens.