Oh, not at all, she said. There was such a nice Old gentleman in the carriage; he talked to me a lot. He asked if, he might come and see me at home. I think he was a good deal Of a swell. He got out at the station before yours, and the footman said 'my lord' to him. Such a queer, stout, old gentleman. DO you know him? The major's fine mustaches lifted cynically. He believed he knew him. Possibly Windermere, he observed, with a glance toward his mother.
Oh, not at all, she said. There was such a nice Old gentleman in the carriage; he talked to me a lot. He asked if, he might come and see me at home. I think he was a good deal Of a swell. He got out at the station before yours, and the footman said 'my lord' to him. Such a queer, stout, old gentleman. DO you know him? The major's fine mustaches lifted cynically. He believed he knew him. Possibly Windermere, he observed, with a glance toward his mother.