Miss KENEALY attempts to show that Newton and not Einstein is right; that Einstein's theory contains no creative principle. Her predominant idea is that the development of biologic forms is due to the gyroscopic influence of rotation, acting by way of what she terms the “Great Potter's Wheel of Evolution”.
She maintains her thesis with a bewildering mass of evidence from many sources, but few of the conclusions she arrives at by skilful argument will bear critical examination. While respecting her convictions and impressed by the advocacy of her case, most scientific readers will remain unconvinced.
London, J. Bale, Sons & Danielsson, ltd.
May 10, 2022
The Human Gyroscope: A Consideration of the Gyroscopic Rotation of Earth as Mechanism of the Evolution of Terrestrial Living Forms
Miss KENEALY attempts to show that Newton and not Einstein is right; that Einstein's theory contains no creative principle. Her predominant idea is that the development of biologic forms is due to the gyroscopic influence of rotation, acting by way of what she terms the “Great Potter's Wheel of Evolution”.
She maintains her thesis with a bewildering mass of evidence from many sources, but few of the conclusions she arrives at by skilful argument will bear critical examination. While respecting her convictions and impressed by the advocacy of her case, most scientific readers will remain unconvinced.