Dani Smith is the best space marine in Space Force, defending Earth from alien invaders. Despite her stronger and stronger feeling that war isn't the best way to deal with everyone mankind meets in the galaxy...
But Space Force only really fears one alien species: the beautiful, but extremely deadly Ethereals!
When one of them suddenly turns up, it's enough to stop a huge battle, as both sides retreat in a panic. But the supernaturally gorgeous alien Crixael seems to only have eyes for Dani with the curvy hips. And he steals her heart right away!
But the last time the playful, but intensely cruel Ethereals came to invade Earth, millions died. Dani's own father lost his whole family and much more besides. Space Force, with thousands of elite space marines, has only one way to deal with them: retreat!
Drop-dead gorgeous Crixael is tenacious in his secret courting of Dani. Can she really allow herself to fall in love with one of mankind's most lethal enemies? And if she does, can she trust him? He doesn't seem to be like other Ethereals. But Earth has been tricked by them before!
Still, Dani has a few secrets of her own. And the fact that her name most certainly isn't 'Smith' is just one of them...
Kindle Edition
June 07, 2016
Alien Invader's Baby (Given To The Alien, #2)
Dani Smith is the best space marine in Space Force, defending Earth from alien invaders. Despite her stronger and stronger feeling that war isn't the best way to deal with everyone mankind meets in the galaxy...
But Space Force only really fears one alien species: the beautiful, but extremely deadly Ethereals!
When one of them suddenly turns up, it's enough to stop a huge battle, as both sides retreat in a panic. But the supernaturally gorgeous alien Crixael seems to only have eyes for Dani with the curvy hips. And he steals her heart right away!
But the last time the playful, but intensely cruel Ethereals came to invade Earth, millions died. Dani's own father lost his whole family and much more besides. Space Force, with thousands of elite space marines, has only one way to deal with them: retreat!
Drop-dead gorgeous Crixael is tenacious in his secret courting of Dani. Can she really allow herself to fall in love with one of mankind's most lethal enemies? And if she does, can she trust him? He doesn't seem to be like other Ethereals. But Earth has been tricked by them before!
Still, Dani has a few secrets of her own. And the fact that her name most certainly isn't 'Smith' is just one of them...