Set in the Wastelands of Earth thirty five years after a devastating nuclear/pharmaceutical apocalypse, The Nuke Brothers follows the comic misadventures and atomic exploits of Duke and Zeph as they struggle to survive amidst the violent scavengers and half-lives, the monsters and madmen, the robots, rogues, mayors and Moon-men amid the unfathomable mysteries of the wasteland . . . strange artifacts and forgotten technologies left over from 'afore the war.'
THE CONTINUING ADVENTURES OF FAT MAN AND LITTLE BOY... is a seven page, stand-alone comic book, original story, tie-in to the feature film "The NUKE Brothers." If this is your first experience with The Nuke Bros, this comic is an excellent introduction - and includes tons of additional artwork and behind the-scenes features, a link to view THE NUKE BROTHERS feature film 100% free online, and info on the upcoming sequel, THE MEN IN THE MOON.
So, whether it's your first time traveling the Wastes or you're looking for some more post-apocalypse exploits, THE CONTINUING ADVENTURES OF FAT MAN AND LITTLE BOY is finally available, so put on your scavenger suit, grab your metal detector and shotgun, and dive in!
"Just Another Beautiful Day In The Wasteland..." - 35 Years A.B.
As brothers Duke & Zeph traverse the Wasteland, searching for food and a place to call home, they stumble upon a most unexpected obstacle: a vast field of grasping, mutated arms growing from the hard-packed ground...
If you enjoy the comic "The Continuing Adventures of FAT MAN and little boy...: Just Another Beautiful Day In The Wasteland", be sure to follow the link on the last page and watch Duke & Zeph in all their glory in their feature film The NUKE Brothers. And then head over to the official FaceBook Group where you can find tons of behind-the-scenes info about the movie, the comic book, and how you can help support the upcoming feature film sequel, THE MEN IN THE MOON...!!!
Hotkins Books
March 15, 2015
The NUKE Brothers - Comic Book Tie-in: The Continuing Adventures of FAT MAN and little boy...
Set in the Wastelands of Earth thirty five years after a devastating nuclear/pharmaceutical apocalypse, The Nuke Brothers follows the comic misadventures and atomic exploits of Duke and Zeph as they struggle to survive amidst the violent scavengers and half-lives, the monsters and madmen, the robots, rogues, mayors and Moon-men amid the unfathomable mysteries of the wasteland . . . strange artifacts and forgotten technologies left over from 'afore the war.'
THE CONTINUING ADVENTURES OF FAT MAN AND LITTLE BOY... is a seven page, stand-alone comic book, original story, tie-in to the feature film "The NUKE Brothers." If this is your first experience with The Nuke Bros, this comic is an excellent introduction - and includes tons of additional artwork and behind the-scenes features, a link to view THE NUKE BROTHERS feature film 100% free online, and info on the upcoming sequel, THE MEN IN THE MOON.
So, whether it's your first time traveling the Wastes or you're looking for some more post-apocalypse exploits, THE CONTINUING ADVENTURES OF FAT MAN AND LITTLE BOY is finally available, so put on your scavenger suit, grab your metal detector and shotgun, and dive in!
"Just Another Beautiful Day In The Wasteland..." - 35 Years A.B.
As brothers Duke & Zeph traverse the Wasteland, searching for food and a place to call home, they stumble upon a most unexpected obstacle: a vast field of grasping, mutated arms growing from the hard-packed ground...
If you enjoy the comic "The Continuing Adventures of FAT MAN and little boy...: Just Another Beautiful Day In The Wasteland", be sure to follow the link on the last page and watch Duke & Zeph in all their glory in their feature film The NUKE Brothers. And then head over to the official FaceBook Group where you can find tons of behind-the-scenes info about the movie, the comic book, and how you can help support the upcoming feature film sequel, THE MEN IN THE MOON...!!!