"A Family of Superheroes. Their Greatest Enemy Was Each Other." After a tragic accident in a Seattle truck stop, the enigmatic protagonist Michael journeys home to his reclusive family mansion atop Mt. Foraker, in Alaska. There, upon the snowy peak of Champion Mountain, Michael will confront the dark secrets of his past, his family, and his origins' secrets which he has desperately avoided for nearly two decades. Champion Mountain is an apocalyptic tale of family, politics, responsibility, bitter resolve, and dysfunction.
"A Family of Superheroes. Their Greatest Enemy Was Each Other." After a tragic accident in a Seattle truck stop, the enigmatic protagonist Michael journeys home to his reclusive family mansion atop Mt. Foraker, in Alaska. There, upon the snowy peak of Champion Mountain, Michael will confront the dark secrets of his past, his family, and his origins' secrets which he has desperately avoided for nearly two decades. Champion Mountain is an apocalyptic tale of family, politics, responsibility, bitter resolve, and dysfunction.